There are several ways to make money online. There’s an entire website devoted to that very subject at There are the usual, writing blogs, up to the moment stock trader, creating your own website in order to promote whatever you are doing. But, some less known ways to make money online are flipping an already existing website and with affiliate marketing.
Flipping houses became popular when the housing market was in its heyday a few years ago. You take an existing house, gut the entire thing out, and using the bare bones of the house to make a better home, then turn around and sell it to someone who wants a ready to move in, nice house and make a profit. The same it becoming more and more prevalent on the web. Old websites, using Flash from five years ago, can be turned into walking goldmines, if people want to look at the website. Before you know it, people will go from your site, to another site, and to another site, in order to find everything they need, at the simple click of the mouse.
Affiliate marketing, simply put, is directing the consumer from one website to another by posting adds, reviews of products, and reward programs. The affiliate, or the publisher of the marketing scheme, will take an add or an announcement for a product and put it on their website. Depending on how many hits the parent company gets from the posting or advertisement from the other website. A great example of affiliate marketing are the Open Directory Project, and Yahoo! Directory. So, how do you make money doing this? The company will pay you a commission. But, how do you know that you are getting the right audience? They will come to you. Say, for instance, you have a blog about costuming, and a company that sells color contacts for costumes want you to post an add or a review for their product. For everyone who goes from your site to theirs, and purchases color contacts, you will get a commission for putting that on your blog.
There are many other ways to make money online, and probably easier ways to see how others make that extra cash. This is the 21st century, and time to utilize what they have already given us. As many different websites are out there, there are that many ways to make money online.
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